Vedant Consulting and Trainings

Life-changing lessons for professionals

Dear professionals!

Many of the life lessons which alter our perceptions may come in too late for us to take advantage of the learnings..

As per the life design -We all start out young and dumb. That is the nature of life. We have to learn as we go. We grow through trial and error. Experience needs maturity and wisdom … hopefully, we should get it before we are too old to benefit from it. That’s the goal.

We have all learned these things through our own personal experiences. we need to revisit them every day in and out and RELIVE!

👉1. Talking less and then listening.

People spend more time talking, tweeting, texting, sharing, updating, posting, and commenting than ever before. Most of the time, we are trying desperately to get attention, feel good about ourselves, distract ourselves, or act out. We are not actually learning or accomplishing a thing.

👉2. Taking risks.

We are not entitled to much of anything in this world, Bottom line – We won’t enjoy or appreciate anything that’s handed to us. Just like a child who inherits all his wealth from his father! There’s no greater joy or achievement than taking risks and working hard to see it pay off.

👉3. When we should take action

It is not always about action all the time! There are times to take action and times to sit quietly and observe. Figuring out which situation calls for which response is the most important recurring decision we make each day of our lives. 

👉4. Doing less and yet being effective.

Too many people try to be good at too many things. Either that, or they make definitive choices based on limited information. Both are flawed strategies. You learn through trial and error what you’re good at and enjoy doing. Find that one thing and focus on being the best at it.

👉5. How little we know.

When we are young, we think you have everything figured out when we get good scores in our school and university. At some point, you come to realize that we don’t know much. Eventually, we figure out that we don’t know very much at all … and how little most of what we learned for the sake of grades really matters.

👉6. Facing reality.

Wishes, dreams, and fantasies are great for kids, but when we all grow up, the sooner we learn to face what life throws at us and the repercussions of our own character/behavior, the better. We get what we deserve and not what we desire . Lasting Good things do not come to those who wish things were different. 

👉7. Being genuine.

Nobody ever made it big by trying to be like someone else. Following others’ habits, routines, principles, or ways of life just makes us a clone. Have the courage to carve our own path. Let’s challenge to stay true to ourselves and be the genuine you.

👉8. Early Success could be an enemy.

Success many times breeds overconfidence and illusion! It can cause us to ignore facts and cut corners. It can also attract competitors who can keep us busy for the rest of our lives by not focusing on the fundamentals. For those reasons, success could be our own enemy.

👉9. Making good decisions.

This may come as a shock, but there is only one thing in this world that you have control over: our decisions. That’s it. The only way for us to change the outcome of our life is by making good choices.That’s what matters most and that’s not really easy as we all know.

👉10. Keeping your word.

Everyone talks about the importance of work ethic, but what that really means is doing what you say you’re going to do. Meeting our commitments. Nobody is going to shower you with riches until they know they can count on us to get important things done and done right.